Analisis Hukum Terhadap Konsep Riba Dalam Transaksi Jual BeliOnline Menggunakan Shopee Pay Later Pada Perspektif KompilasiHukum Ekonomi Syariah
The purpose of this research is to determine the mechanism for using Shopee PayLater in the Shopee application
and the views of the compilation of sharia economic law on the mechanism of buying and selling contracts using
Shopee PayLater. This research uses an empirical normative juridical approach and the type of research uses a
qualitative approach which includes the results of online surveys and interviews, with various written information
that explains the buying and selling mechanism using Shopee PayLater payments in the view of the Sharia
Economic Law Compilation. This data relates to Shopee PayLater service provisions, payment systems, billing and
user statements. The techniques used by the author are direct and online interviews as well as literature study. The
results of this research are that the requirements for activating Shopee PayLater are that you must have a Shopee
account that has been verified by Shopee and must have an ID card to activate it. The payment system is in
installments 2 times, 3 times, 6 times and 12 times per month. Bill payments can be made via m-banking, ATM,
Indomart, Alfamart, or other payments. The use of Shopee PayLater is included in the qardh contract which has
been regulated in the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law in article 20 paragraph 36 which explains the meaning
of Qard and the articles related to qard in the use of Shopee PayLater, namely in article 606, article 607, article 608,
Article 609 and Article 611. According to several legal opinions, Shopee PayLater can be said to be usury when there
is an ziyadah or additional element required in advance by the paylater publisher for its consumers. Included in the
type of debt usury which is prohibited. However, if Shopee PayLater charges additional fees then it is not usury. As
long as the additional costs are counted as services or ijarah.
Keywords: Usury, Online Buying and Selling, Shopee PayLater, Compilation of Sharia Economic Law
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